Forecasted trends in the EdTech Sector for 2024

Excerpt from Vietnam Edtech White Paper 2024 by Edtech Agency

✔ The boom period of investment in EdTech has concluded, with investors returning to fundamental principles and focusing on outcomes. In the upcoming years, there will be a trend towards skill training tailored to future career trends [20].
✔ M&A activity in the EdTech sector is expected to decline significantly in both transactions and valuations of EdTech companies [20].

✔ There will be increased interest in integrated management process software that supports the digitization of processes within educational institutions and companies. This includes analytics, LMS, communication applications for parents, financial management in education, and comprehensive administrative environments, indicating a long-term move toward building digital infrastructure in traditional educational settings [20].

✔ Four Key Technological Trends in 2024 include Extended Reality (XR), Gamification, ChatGPT, Generative AI, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Nano learning [20], [21], [22].

✔ Five Main EdTech Product Development Trends for 2024 include Upskilling, Revolutionizing the Learning Experience, Sourcing New EdTech Talent, Mental Health Training, K-12, etc…[21]

✔ Education and Mental Health Care for Students [38].

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