How The Prestigious EdTech Rating Organization Works

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Edtechbreakthrough is a leader in the field of Ranking Edtech products with the mission of recognizing and celebrating outstanding, groundbreaking players in the field of educational technology worldwide in various categories.

Edtechbreakthrough’s assessment process and criteria are developed in the simplest and most accessible way. Ranking entities will have to answer the question: “How can your company or product make a breakthrough in the competitive Edtech market?” In addition, the criteria used by Edtechbreakthrough for rating assessment include:

– Innovation

– Performance

– Ease of use

– Functionality

– Value

– Impact

Based on the improved TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) model with SEO rating standards and quantitative value measured from reliable systems. Edtech Agency has collaborated with the Department of Educational Technology, University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, and the Educational Technology Community to implement the Ranking of K12 Edtech products 2022.

On July 28th, the Educational Technology Village will hold the “Announcement of typical Edtech solutions for the high school in Vietnam in 2022 and publish an in-depth report”. The event will be a forum to exchange and connect technology solutions between Edtech businesses and schools.

We sincerely invite all Interested Entities to participate in the event!

On behalf of the organizing committee

Edtech Agency