Edtech Market For Block K12 In Vietnam

According to the research report published by MarketsandMarkets, global EdTech market forecasts and smart classrooms with hardware (Interactive Displays, Interactive Projectors), Educational System Solutions (LMS, TMS, DMS, SRS, Test Preparation, Learning & Gamification) in the region and globally by 2027, will increase from $125.3 billion in 2022 to $232.9 billion in 2027, with the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.2% over the forecast period.
So what is the panorama of Edtech in general education (K12) in Vietnam in 2022?
The answer will be found in the “Announcement of typical Edtech products of K12 block in Vietnam 2022” and the in-depth report on Edtech of K12 block that will take place on July 28 by Edtech Agency, representatives of Education Technology Village in cooperation with educational partners.
We invite interested Edtech companies to attend and receive an in-depth report on the K12 Edtech market.
Time: 9: 30 – 12: 00 on July 28
Location: Online
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