Speaking at the event, Dr Tô Hồng Nam, Deputy Director of the Information Technology Department at the Ministry of Education and Training, emphasized that with over 22 million students and more than 1.5 million teachers, representing one-fifth of the country’s population, educational technology is a sufficiently large and promising market for businesses and schools to innovate and operate. In addition to introducing policies and preparing the workforce to promote digital transformation in education, Edtech plays a crucial role in this transformation process.

Dr. Tô Hồng Nam also expressed his high regard for this year’s Edtech Expo, as it provided an opportunity to connect businesses with schools. Collaboration between businesses and schools is essential to developing effective Edtech products that meet practical needs. One party sets the challenges, and the other solves them; one party evaluates, and the other perfects the product.

Download the Vietnam’s EdTech White Paper 2024 here