Workshop “Digital Transformation in K-12 Education: Key Elements for Success” – Hanoi April 24th 202

The workshop is part of the “Edtech Talk” event series co-organized by Edtech Agency in collaboration with partners to create a forum for exchange among relevant parties, jointly seeking effective and comprehensive approaches in the process of digital transformation in education.

Following the success of the Forum “Dialogue between Edtech and Colleges – Universities: Practices and Prospects for Collaboration” held in January 2024, Edtech Agency will organize a workshop specifically for the K12 sector, with the theme “Digital Transformation in K12 Education: Necessary Conditions and Sufficient for Implementation.” At the workshop, participants will discuss the importance of digital transformation for education, the current status of digital transformation in the K12 sector, and the ecosystem of technology solutions serving education.

The workshop will consist of 2 main discussion sessions, focusing on the necessary conditions and sufficient factors for implementing digital transformation in K12 education. Participants are expected to contribute valuable insights, aiming for the goal of effective digital education transformation, helping schools provide quality education and equal opportunities for everyone.

We cordially invite your school to participate!

Registration link for schools: